17 research outputs found

    A management model for closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles: defining the issues

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    In this paper a conceptual model for the management of closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles is put forward. This framework condenses the more relevant managerial issues arising when reuse is carried out in industrial practice. The model intends to be a guideline for practitioners dealing with this type of challenges and constitutes a first step towards the mitigation of the problematic issues involved in reuse. In further developments of this research, we propose solutions to some of the issues identified here

    Analysing the Impact of Consumer Tendency in HORECA Distribution Models

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    With increasing complexity of today's consumer requirements, food industry decision makers should be able to respond to consumer needs much faster than ever before. The preliminary studies showed that for improving the performance and selecting suitable distribution models, decision makers in food industries should classify different types of consumers and based on the classification prepare different distributions flows. By studying the HORECA distribution channel, this paper suggest that, logistics decision makers should investigate the relationship between consumers' characteristics and urban freight distribution strategy in order to respond to the exact needs and in the follow to reduce the logistics cost

    Current Trends in Recovering Used Products in Retail Fashion Industry: An Exploratory Study

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    The fashion industry is currently shifting towards sustainable practices through the entire supply chain. Many fashion retailers like H&M, Zara and others consider sustainability the cornerstone of their corporate social responsibility programs. At the same time, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation is holding manu-facturers and retailers responsible, especially in Europe, for waste generated at end-of-use and end-of-life phases for some specific products. Finding alternatives to the landfill for textile waste will extend textile life, contributing to the development of circular economy and sustainable business models in the fashion industry. This study identifies and characterizes, as a first stage research, current practices of product recovery for used textile in France and Germany using comparative case studies. Characterizing the reverse logistics models for textiles in each country will help to identify best practices for recovering used clothing in Europe

    La contribución de la logística en la creación de valor de las empresas

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    En este artículo se presentan diversas formas en las que la logística, apoyándose en las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC), puede contribuir a la obtención de organizaciones más eficientes y competitivas. La logística permite reducir costes a través de un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos disponibles. Asimismo, con una gestión más eficiente de la logística, se impacta de forma positiva en la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental de las organizaciones y en su creación de valo

    Propuesta de un marco conceptual para el análisis comparativo de las redes de distribución de dos supermercados online = Proposal of a conceptual framework for the comparative analysis of the distribution networks of two online supermarkets

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    In this article the network configuration for fulfillment and distribution of online orders of two British retailers is analyzed and compared. For this purpose, it is proposed a conceptual framework that consists of the key following aspects: network configuration, transportation management and location of demand. As a result is not obvious to determine the ideal centralization degree in each case. Finally, it is suggested the future development of an analytic tool that helps to choose the most appropriate model

    Reverse logistics systems for waste generated throughout vehicles life-cycle

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    Waste produced during the service life of automobiles has received much less attention than end-of-life vehicles themselves. In this paper, we deal with the set up of a reverse logistics system for the collection and treatment of use-phase residues. First, the type of waste arising during vehicles? service life is characterized. Data were collected in collaboration with SIGRAUTO, the product stewardship organization in charge of vehicles? recovery in Spain. Next, three organizational models are proposed. The three alternatives are benchmarked and assessed from a double organizational and operational perspective for the particular case of the Madrid region in Spai

    Reverse logistics practices for recovering mobile phones in Spain

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    The main objective of this paper is to characterize the reverse logistics system for mobile phones in Spain. The study includes the characterization of the different actors involved in the reverse logistics system and the description of the most common logistics practices in the sector. We will also propose alternative practices for managing this complex reverse logistics system and finally, we will analyse the challenges of the current reverse logistics model. Some alternatives for the current model are: location of reception points for end-of-use mobiles, the need to legislate the second-hand mobile phone market and the location of the necessary recycling centres according to current legislation

    A conceptual model for integrating strategic supply management into the supply chain

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    In this paper, a strategic supply management reference model for supplier integration in the supply chain is presented. The model developed is based on the comparative case study of two relevant industries – automotive and aircraft – and may be suitable for other industries. The survey and the subsequent analysis of these industries have confirmed the strategic importance of supplies and the need for an integrated approach of supply management, both in terms of internal processes and of external suppliers. Additionally, the study has proved that there is not a unique model for supply management, valid for all industries

    Características de la secuenciación de los automóviles en las plantas de los fabricantes localizados en España

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    El sector de la automoción es de gran importancia en España, tanto por el volumen de actividad que representa como por el hecho de que constituye un sector de referencia para muchos otros. Los fabricantes de automóviles localizados en España se enfrentan a diferentes retos, algunos de los cuales están relacionados con la eficacia y la eficiencia de sus procesos de producción. En este sentido, la secuenciación de los modelos que se producen en las líneas de montaje es uno de los factores relevantes. Se trata de un problema que se debe resolver con frecuencia y de cuyo resultado depende la productividad de la planta. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio en el que se caracteriza la forma en la que realizan la secuenciación los fabricantes españole

    Reuse or recycle? Recovery options for end-of-use mobile phones in Spain

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyze the most important recovery options for end-of-use mobile phones in Spain. We start with a description of the reverse logistics system for mobile phones in Spain. The two main alternatives for this end-of-use e-waste are: reuse and recycling. The study includes the characterization of the different actors involved in the reverse logistics system (collectors, third-party take-back enterprises, sorting facilities, recyclers...) and a description of the most common logistics practices in the sector. We will also analyze the implications of different recovery options for end-of-use mobile phones. Currently the percentage of mobile phones reused is rather larger than those recycled. Special attention has to be paid to the resale channel on secondary markets. We conclude that we need to regulate this second-hand mobile phone market. Finally, we propose an alternative logistic model for improving this closed-loop supply chain: an integrated model for recovering mobile phones (which includes both options) that allows achieving economies of scale